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New York, New York. Whether or not we’ve actually set foot there, everybody has an archetypal image of ‘The Big Apple’ – be it a snow-shaker globe of towering skyscrapers and gridlocked yellow taxis, a blood-stained Patrick Bateman shopping in Bergdorf’s, or 40+ women sashaying down ‘sidewalks’ in haute couture. But New New York? What’s that?

‘New New York’ is SUPERSUPER!’s take on the collective spirit defining the most inspiring and creative innovative talent to have come out of the city over the last few years, leaving its star-spangled mark on every artistic field (from fashion to media to music). Names like stylist Jason Farrer, the TELFAR label, and newer entities like DIS magazine are part of an aesthetic community that is slowly but surely starting to grab the attention of the rest of the world, with their collective creative efforts distinguishing NYC’s first steps into the new cultural decade. Read the rest of this entry